Julie’s Pledge
Julie’s Pledge
Learn what Julie wants to Accomplish at MSU…
Julie pledges to bring a common sense leadership approach, with an emphasis on accountability and transparency, to the MSU Board. She will provide institutional oversight to MSU Administration and focus her tenure on the following items:
1. Re-introducing a culture of accountability and transparency. Board members have plagued MSU with their lack of professionalism, perpetual infighting, and never-ending political battles. Today’s Board wastes hundreds of millions of dollars shielding MSU Administration from scrutiny, instead of holding people accountable for (and working to correct) past mistakes. Julie will help restore normalcy, respect, and a common sense approach to the Board – focusing on students rather than politics.
2. Publicly releasing all documents related to the Larry Nassar scandal. Julie joins the survivors and families of one of the most horrific and widespread predation cases in the country, calling for the complete and public release of all investigative documents. This is the only way to ensure something this tragic never happens again.
3. Supporting women in sports. Both of Julie’s children are lifelong athletes, with her daughter having earned an athletic scholarship to MSU. Had she been forced to compete against biological men, she would have never been able to achieve this. Julie will support the foundation of Title IX and reject the idea that men should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.
4. Embracing diversity of thought and rejecting cancel culture. A loyalist to the Constitution and staunch believer in our first amendment right to freedom of speech, Julie recognizes the importance of diverse thought and opinion. Unfortunately, this is often unequally applied, and disagreements with administration have led to wrongful terminations and even more lawsuits.
5. Emphasizing education, not indoctrination. Universities were created to teach students how to think, not what to think. Julie will ensure professors educate students, not indoctrinate them. Similarly, she will stand up for conservative voices on campus, which are far too often silenced by university professors and administration.
6. Problem solving through critical thought and practical solutions. While her son attended MSU, Julie watched as the university ceased normal operations in favor of lockdowns, online schooling, vaccine and mask mandates, and other unnecessarily strict regulations. While important initially, these regulations continued for far too long, unfairly tarnishing students’ experiences. In such occasions, Julie would serve as a voice of rationality, with an emphasis on critical thought and practical solutions.
7. Ensuring affordable tuition for all Michigan families. As a taxpayer-funded state university, MSU must be fiscally conscious and cut wasteful spending, which will help minimize or eliminate the need for future tuition increases, in turn enhancing MSU’s affordability for Michigan families. College education is a privilege that, if utilized effectively, enhances the lives of students and their families. We should aim to extend this privilege to as many Michiganders as possible.
8. Prioritizing mental and physical health of students. As a mother with both children having lived through last year’s on-campus shooting, campus safety will always be top-of-mind. Meaningful steps have been made to address prior shortcomings, but there is still much to be done.
By committing to the promises above, we can sustainably advance the interests of Michigan State University, on behalf of all our children and stakeholders. We hope that you will join us in our mission to usher in a new era of prosperity at MSU.